Strength Training
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Shoulder Push-Up Exercise
Scapular Fixation Exercises
Shoulder Joint Pendulum Movement
Shoulder Joint External Rotation Train…
Shoulder Joint External Rotation Train…
Shoulder Joint Bowing Exercise
Monkey Walk
Flapping Movement -Seated
Ball Push – Glute Training
Ball Hold and Heel Lift
Ball Hold and Butt Up
Foreword Lunge
Push-up (seated)
Push up- L sit
Heel Lift
Flapping Movement
Chin Pull Exercise -Seated
Towel Gathering -Standing
Palm Pull
Side Lunge
Chin Pull Exercise
Shoulder Flexion Rubber Band Exercise
Hand-Folded Upper Limb Thrusting Exerc…
Hip Flexion Rubber Band Exercise
Standing Ball Rolling Exercise
Elbow Extension Exercise
Ankle Joint Plantar Dorsiflexion Exerc…
Fist and Open Movement
Hand-Folded Upper Limb Raising Exercis…
Hip Flexion Exercise
Hip Abduction Rubber Band Exercise