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Hip Hinge
Knee Swing -all
Single Leg Standing
Single Leg Flexion Exercise
Single Leg Squat
Wall Press Training
Back Stretch (Static) -Wall
Step Heel Lift
Hip Joint Dislocation Position (Anteri…
Scapular Adduction Stretch
Shoulder Joint Pendulum Movement
Shoulder Joint Bowing Exercise
Stretching of the Triceps Muscles
Monkey Walk
Ball Hold and Heel Lift
Foreword Lunge
Heel Lift
Hamstring Stretch -Standing
Towel Gathering -Standing
Side Lunge
Standing Ball Rolling Exercise
Pre-swing Practice (Feet Aligned)
Pre-swing Practice (Step Position)
Shoulder Scapular Plane Elevation
Shoulder Shrug Exercise
Leg Curl -Standing
Single Leg Heel Lift
Elbow-Jerking Exercises
Rubber Band Reverse Butterfly
Shoulder Stretch
Bowlegged Training